Domestic Corporate Research - May 2021
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Business Events Australia releases results of fifth wave of domestic sentiment research
Tourism Australia’s latest research into domestic corporate decision maker events outlooks indicates business confidence in holding events is gaining momentum.
Seventy-four per cent of corporate decision makers surveyed are planning events in the next six to 12 months, up eight per cent from March. A similar proportion of businesses are planning events in 12 to 18 months, with travel restrictions associated with COVID-19 still being the main factor influencing their decision.
The survey also highlighted an increase in comfort in flying for business, with 67 per cent surveyed indicating that they were comfortable for both themselves and staff to fly, up 6 per cent from March.
However, there is still evidence of COVID-19 influencing some decision makers’ confidence, particularly in terms of restrictions on travel and attendee numbers as well as the safety reputation of potential event locations.
There seems to be a great deal of optimism amongst decision makers when looking at future business events. The majority claim that event budgets, the number of events and number of attendees will be the same or greater compared to pre-COVID.
The fifth wave of research surveyed 463 people either solely or partly responsible for event decision making between 11 – 24 May 2021.
Fact sheets for the first, second, third and fourth waves are also available:
Published: 17 June 2021