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Hobart Industry Sectors
Hobart is place of creativity and innovation and is a leader in many specialised industries, including health and medical research; food and agribusiness; science and technology; advanced manufacturing; resources and renewable energy; and the Antarctic and Southern Ocean industry.
The location of Australia’s island state, Tasmania, is beneficial for many industries. With 3,200 kilometres (1,998 miles) of coastline, Tasmania produces more seafood by value than any other state in Australia and is also considered to have some of the cleanest air in the world.
Hobart, Tasmania © Tasmania / Alastair Bett
The Menzies Institute for Medical Research has been performing international research for around 30 years and has made many significant breakthroughs.
The Centre for Antarctic, Remote and Maritime Medicine (CARMM), based in Hobart, provides access to a network of world class researchers and innovators in remote and extreme environment healthcare.
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), Battery Point, Tasmania © Dale Baldwin
Hobart is home to a significant concentration of scientists engaged in Antarctic and Southern Ocean research programs.
Located on Hobart’s waterfront are two major research hubs - The University of Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship. These purpose-built facilities support more than 500 scientists and staff, making Hobart the world’s largest centre of cold climate expertise and research.